TV ecosystem dismantling: large platform + industrial chain + financial media

Practice TV ecosystem dismantling: large platform + industrial chain + financial media
In 2015, GDP growth continued to slow, economic structure adjustment accelerated, traditional industries sought transformation and breakthrough, new industries continued to emerge, and the new normality of the macro economy was affecting every move in the micro-market, with the most sensitive and concentrated. There is nothing more than a media and advertising market.

With the promotion of policies and the repression of the market, the "new normal" of the media format has become clearer this year. As far as radio and television media are concerned, the success of the television industrialization operation and the establishment of the ecosystem will determine the future status and share of television in the media market.

TV stations are no longer merely providers of programs and broadcast platforms. They are working with websites, e-commerce, new media, etc. to form new ecological relationships. In terms of content, promote top-level design, content-based IP, target young audiences, focus on social issues, and focus on values; on the platform, reinforce the underlying design and integrate media layout and exploration from technology, business, channels, and business models.

Large platform

Looking at the progress of the Radio and Television Group's reforms and developments, there are three stages: the first to support the development of the industry, and then to incubate the industry with the influence of the business and the accumulation of advertising revenue; then the parallel development of the industry and the industry. The power of capital, while strengthening the influence of the media, also strengthens the industry; the last is the income back-raising that the industry brings.

The large platform strategy of the Radio and Television Group has not only been limited to the integration of traditional media and emerging media. The convergence of content-channel-technology is more focused on the integration and development of business models and plans to create a “supermarket” advertising platform. .

To sum up, the large platform strategy of the Radio and TV Group may include the following parts:

1. Radio and television-based advertising business platform

2. E-commerce platform based on TV shopping

3. Network company-based channels and value-added business platforms

4. Digital business platform based on publishing cloud, radio and television network mall

5. Intelligent network management platform based on smart city

6. Film and television business platform with the main content of cinema and drama production

7. Capital Investment Corporation-based capital operation platform

8. Creative Industry Platform with Unique Cultural Industry as Its Core

9. Characteristic product entity operating platform originated from provincial and municipal cultural brands

10. Radio and television production company platform

Industry chain

Expanding the program industrial chain is the direction of television development. TV stations are no longer merely providers of programs and broadcast platforms. They are working with websites, e-commerce, new media, etc. to form new ecological relationships. At present, China’s television programs have begun to explore various forms of industrial value-added:

In the following, taking Suzhou Radio and TV Station as an example, let's take a look at how the terrestrial channel builds a cross-industry industrial development ecosystem.

Suzhou TV programs are linked to advertising management. The advertising center carries out departmental planning according to different industry units. Each industry unit has a television program. In the industrial programs, Suzhou TV station has been involved in children's training, weddings, health and other areas.

Based on programs, TV stations integrate resources from different industries and build and operate cross-industry industrial chains. They can combine television programs with industrial operations and open up new areas for television industry development.


The television media has always followed the law of attention economy and profited from television programs to attract viewership sales. With the increasing impact of the Internet on traditional industries, how television media can use the Internet to upgrade and transform has become a serious topic they have to face.

Taking the advertising of traditional media as an example, how much “turnback money” does advertising bring to merchants? Traditional media cannot answer directly. New media can tell them where seed customers are. These seed customers with strong willingness to cooperate are the first contributors to income generation. This is also the cause of cooperation between the current broadcasting group and the new media.

In addition to as the exclusive integrated communication experience platform at the tip of the tongue2, Travel Satellite TV and AVIC are jointly exploring the e-commercialization of tourism television programs. The goddess' new variety show is an in-depth test of hydropower companies, realizing ready-to-buy and buy-in cases that are already influential in the industry. We have seen that some terrestrial channels have begun to use their own resource platforms to collaborate with new media and use the other's technology. And marketing models, to achieve complementary advantages.

Nanjing Radio and Television Group will all radio new media resources, including websites, APP, Weibo, WeChat and other new media platforms, all packaged to the partner radio and television cats. The management of Radio and TV cats mainly focuses on three aspects: First, it is to do a good job with the broadcasting system, and cooperate with the host to do well in program promotion and activities; secondly, it promotes all media packaging according to programs and activities; then it is in WeChat and Weibo. Implant new media marketing methods.

For example, by registering members on the radio's own website and APP, each person who enjoys preferential products/services can register to enjoy it. In the auction process, the advertisers of the relevant industries are contacted. If there is cooperation, each cooperation will be successful. Take some more commissions. A "member" turns the listener into a user. At the same time, the member must pay through the member's account and the bank card. This establishes a connection with the bank, thus forming a complete industrial chain such as broadcasting, APP, audience, and business.

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